An author’s voice is that part of writing style that sets the author apart from other writers, even those writing in the same style.
“It’s your personality coming through on the page, by your language use and word choice. When you read a Dave Barry column, you know it’s his. Why? He’s developed a distinct writing voice.”
– Brian A. Klems, The Writer’s Digest

Here’s an example of a clear, distinct writer’s voice.

+++The corner of Heinzie’s mouth clenches. “The daughter of my professor made eyes at me. He got wind of it. He expected better for her than – one of no extraordinary expectations is how he put it. He went for the throat. He questioned the quality of my scholarship, accused me of plagiarism, destroyed me.”
+++“Did you plagiarize?”
+++“Please. Water under the bridge.”
+++“We all have skeletons. Beg, borrow and steal is my motto.”
+++“I landed at a lesser university, nowhere near the prestige. There I chanced upon the freifrau, hunting for a tutor to instruct a precocious child with great potential. Precocious! I can think of better words. Pestilential, for one. Worn down from barely getting by, pea soup in a frigid garret – you may know the routine – I jumped on it.”
+++“I lived high during my student days, but I feel your pain.”
+++“You might’s well –” Heinz is beginning to slur his speech “– hear it all. To seduce a fine fortune, I felt it not beyond me. Annette worships scholarship, and I am a pretty fellow, why deny it? I set to work at being the prochain ami, the best friend, at her beck and call, as solicitous as closest kin. My previous dalliance influencing my choice, I fixed my sight on –” he paused to refill his glass – “Sir! To the darling Drusilla.”
+++“Drusilla? Lord Above! I guessed Annette. Drusilla! How do you cope with the brat? She’s driving my poor cat wild.”
+++“Ha! You can say that again!” hoots Sly. Dee kicks his box.
 – Mimi Spieke, Sly / A Rogue, Reconsidered / Book 3: The Rogue Regrets

What other authors  have a notably distinct writer’s voice? What about your own?

7 responses to “Author’s Voice”

  1. mimispeike Avatar

    GD, I’m blown away. Thanks.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. atthysgage Avatar

    Nice. No one could dispute that you have a distinctive voice, Mimi.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. mimispeike Avatar

    I don’t know if it’s good or bad. I’ve thought about it, believe me. I’ve wondered if I would write differently if I were doing a mystery, or a noir crime thing. I think that, hard as I tried, I’d sound pretty much the same.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. GD Deckard Avatar
      GD Deckard

      That’s your writer’s voice, Mimi 🙂 admire it. I do.

      Liked by 2 people

  4. curtisbausse Avatar

    “Did you plagiarize?”
    “Please. Water under the bridge.”
    I love it!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. GD Deckard Avatar
      GD Deckard

      Yes! I also loved that.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. mimispeike Avatar

    Do you give yourself a goal each week? I try to. Last week my goal was to get a website going. This week, to apply to a publication on, and to continue to revise.

    Next week it will be to start chapter nine of my book three, the first eight chapters of which I have posted on my site. And to work on an illustration of Dee in his séance garb. Lots of drapery, I’m good with drapery. Or was, back in art school. We’ll see.

    I still have to figure out the widgets on WordPress. I googled it yesterday and I finally have a clue. I will turn those ‘Recent Posts’ widgets into a supplementary menu. For I can’t get the primary menu to accept more than fourteen pages (chapters) without going all out of order, jumping around in unpleasant ways.

    Liked by 1 person

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