Use the comments section to write a brief story plot and opening scene. One that any other writer can add one of their own characters into. Add to your own story anytime, keeping in mind what other writers have added.

Jump In!!
Feel free to jump into anyone else’s story with one of your own characters. If a thousand monkeys with typewriters can write a story, so can we!

If things get a little confusing, just remember the first rule of writing:
When in doubt, assume that you know what you are doing.

I’ll begin, with the first comment being my own story plot and opening scene. Hopefully, others will jump into my plot and turn it into a story.
And/or add their own story plot!

Enjoy the mayhem 😝

72 responses to “Monkey Writing!”

  1. GD Deckard Avatar

    Murder in the Co-op
    Characters from different writers gather at an estate for a weekend of relaxation away from their writer. Only to discover that one of them is there to murder the rest!

    Roy looked resplendent in his valet uniform. Arriving guests handed him their car keys without a second thought, confident that a five-star resort like the Broadmoor would employ only safe and reliable staff. A true assumption, and one that explained why Roy didn’t work there.

    Liked by 5 people

  2. Sandy Randall Avatar

    (Ok a bit of an intro to my main character from the novel series I am working on. It’s the first time she’s been in public.)

    Wenny remained near the estate entrance in her wolf form. She was nervous. So many humans and no Sintafor (shapeshifters). Effie had been here before, but she was old. Effie had seen a lot. It still didn’t prepare Wenny for all the smells, noises and insane gadgetry.
    She spotted a man wearing a stiff looking outfit. He looked friendly enough.
    Shifting back to human, she picked up her backpack and made her way up the foul smelling black track. ‘Road’ she corrected herself. Effie said they used the word road. Her boot heels thudded dully on the strange material. She stepped off the road, preferring the grass under her feet.
    No sooner had she stepped off when a metal beast sped by with a full throated roar. Startled, she shifted back to wolf to pursue the threat. By the time she caught up, a person had emerged from foul smelling metallic beast and was talking to the stiffly dressed man. Self conscious that her wolf might threaten them, she shifted back to human, a little embarrassed for being so easily startled. ‘No better than a wild rabbit’, she chided herself.
    By the time she reached the man, the other person was gone. Effie had coached her on human greetings. She took a deep breath and strode up to stiff clothes man, her hand outstretched for an odd hand clasping custom. Discreet sniffing usually worked for her, she could discern much about another person from their scent. “Hello, I am Wenny, the MC of First Shift. My writer thought I would benefit from interacting at this retreat.” She tried a smile. So unusual how humans considered baring your teeth as a friendly greeting.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. GD Deckard Avatar

      Roy, totally ignorant of shapeshifters and therefore unfamiliar with the proper greeting of one who had just shifted from furry wolf to bare human, grinned widely and offered Wenny his shirt. “Roy. Sorry I don’t have anything a bit longer but, oh, here, use my hat. There’s a cloak room just inside the door. Take a coat from the Lost & Found box.”

      Liked by 4 people

  3. Sandy Randall Avatar

    Wenny cocked her head at the stiffly dressed man. She was wearing boots afterall. Humans and their need to wear clothing. She sighed. Effie had warned her there would be awkward moments like this.
    She declined his generous offer and pulled a cloak out of her backpack. In her world her clothing automatically shifted with her. This world was so foreign!
    Once fully clothed in her soft black robe, she saw the wicked grin soften on the man’s face. Was that disappointment? Discreetly she tested the air for his scent. He smelled of soap and something else she couldn’t quite identify.
    “Roy?” She rolled the r on her tongue. “What does your name mean?” In her world names were important aspects of understanding the person with whom you were speaking. When he seemed a bit confused by her question, she explained, “My name means young one, or puppy, in my language. I didn’t learn my real name until I was twenty-seven. For now you can just call me Wenny.” He voice trailed off as a movement out of the corner of her eye distracted her.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. GD Deckard Avatar

      “King is the traditional meaning. But as my mother explained, I’m not a king. She just named me Roy to indicate that it’s OK to live outside the law.”

      Liked by 4 people

  4. Sandy Randall Avatar

    “Are you sure your mother was correct? Your hat would be fit for a king!”
    Still distracted by movement, Wenny moved closer to where Roy stood and looked over the front end of the metal beast. A short distance away near the corner of the building was a tall, skinny figure flapping and dancing in the breeze. Bright orange in color it was in the shape of a person, but definitely not a living creature.
    She was mesmerized. “What magic is this? How does it dance and move?”

    Liked by 4 people

  5. mimispeike Avatar

    I’m thinking.

    Liked by 4 people

  6. Sandy Randall Avatar

    Wenny edged toward the dancing orange creature. “Is this an effigy of a god you worship? It stands on an odd pedestal.” She leapt back as it’s gyrations bent it over double, nearly striking her.

    Liked by 4 people

  7. Mike Van Horn Avatar

    Palo-an-de slowed his dance meant to gain power over the horned beast grazing nearby when he noticed the two beings paying attention to him. He preferred doing the dance of control without others interfering. One of the beings was a standard human that he was familiar with. But the other one was something he’d never before seen. “That is one I would enjoy tangling wits with!” He pulled his pale orange robe around him and tried to blend into the scenery, ignoring the two for now.

    Liked by 4 people

  8. Sandy Randall Avatar

    Wenny growled as the orange one receded. He smelled…. the word wouldn’t come to her, but she sneezed. The scent tickled her nose, yet not in an unpleasant way.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Mike Van Horn Avatar

      Pal-oran-de shivered with delight at the delicious growl uttered by that strange beast. He loped in the opposite direction, back toward the woods, hoping this tantalizing beast would overtake him. He left a trail of spray just to make sure.
      He ignored the angry words of violence that wafted toward him from the distance, coming from the mansion.

      Liked by 5 people

  9. Sandy Randall Avatar

    “Can you smell that?” Wenny sneezed again, as she stalked over to Roy. “That creature left a tantalizing scent! It’s making my blood boil!” Wenny shifted. The black cloak fell to the ground in a rumpled heap. She snarled, her voice deep and raspy in wolf form, “Damn this world! It’s so inconvenient with regard to clothing.”
    Nose to the air, she could filter the scent better as a wolf. It tasted of blood, excitement, chase and murderous intent. Bared teeth she huffed at Roy, “seems the orange one wants a fight.”

    Liked by 4 people

  10. Mike Van Horn Avatar

    Pal-oran-de grinned as he sprinted away from the enticing beast, just fast enough so it could overtake him. He grabbed his staff from where he’d left it, and leapt up onto the high stump. He swirled his cape and twirled his staff, humming in a deep resonant growl meant to raise passions.
    The beast could not hold its shape. “Does this beautiful creature want to fight or engage in passion?” he wondered. “Either is fine.”
    But he was once again distracted by distant angry shouting, then a woman’s scream.
    Then a shot!

    Liked by 5 people

  11. Sue Ranscht Avatar

    Mike’s too fast for me. To begin the murders before all the guests have arrived makes what I just spent an hour writing utterly useless. Oh well, I’ll just read along.

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Sandy Randall Avatar

      Wenny growled, and shifted back to wolf. This damn world was so maddeningly unpredictable. The orange creature taunted her from above waving about a staff. Their body language and growls were foreign to her. Effie’s words of caution came to her. “You will encounter much that you do not understand. Caution is prudent.”
      She sat back on her haunches and observed the strange creature. Though the scents were exciting and confusing, she had a sense it baited her. Her hackles raised at the thought.
      “What are you? Why do you lead me on this chase?” A glance back toward the building, she realized it was obscured by the foliage. A puppy mistake. The woman’s scream startled her.
      “This game can wait.” She glanced back at the orange one, and then loped back to the building. The metal beast and Roy were gone. Her pack and robe lay where she had left them. Shifting, she drew on the robe, gathered her pack and hurried around to the back where the woman screamed again.

      Liked by 3 people

    2. Sandy Randall Avatar

      (An hours worth of writing is never useless … I bet it’s still relevant.)

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Sue Ranscht Avatar

        Hahaha! Not with Roy declared gone from his “valet” post and then sequestered by his writer. I’m not one for plot highjacking, lol. Add a livelihood that’s labor intensive and a WIP I’ve just been able to get back to after a forced work/holiday break since last October that only made me cranky for not writing, and my slowness as a writer is just too frustrating to make room for here. I am really sorry. Plus, I think you would have enjoyed the brilliant high-powered attorney Leonore Armentraut, with her flamboyantly insightful sense of humor. Her insider knowledge made Roy her first target.

        Liked by 4 people

        1. Sandy Randall Avatar

          It sounds like you will need to set the next one in motion… Leonore sounds like fun!
          Don’t worry I think Wenny will track done Roy … she may even find a way to let GD know what Roy is up to 😂

          Liked by 3 people

        2. GD Deckard Avatar

          Hotel Detective Shamus Nark winked at the intense but attractive woman with Sue Ranscht. “No writers allowed,” he told Sue. But you, ma’am, well, you look like a real character to me. Just uh,” he added, “Better let me park your car. We’ve had some trouble this morning.” He looked over his shoulder. “I think the car thief is still around here somewhere, I do.”

          Liked by 2 people

    3. Mike Van Horn Avatar

      Wait! Maybe nobody was murdered. Maybe somebody shooting skeet. Or shooting a red herring.

      Liked by 4 people

      1. Sandy Randall Avatar

        I was thinking Mario popped the wrong bottle of wine and the maître de was yelling at them both …

        Liked by 4 people

        1. Sandy Randall Avatar

          We may need Leonore at the end to sort everything out!

          Liked by 3 people

  12. GD Deckard Avatar

    Mario Plonk was the resort sommelier. The bottle of wine that he pulled from his desk when Roy came into his office said that he was also a cheap business associate.

    Roy tossed a set of keys to Mario. “Mercedes-Maybach S 580,” Roy grinned.


    “Of course. That’s what you really wanted.”

    Mario examined the car keys and grunted. He returned the bottle of Flip Flop Pinot Grigio to his desk and pulled out a Domaine Leroy Musigny Grand Cru. With a flourish, he opened the bottle and set it down to breath. “Got a few minutes, my friend?”

    Roy took a seat. “How’s this writers’-characters, whatever you call it, coming along?”

    “The WC?” Mario’s face said he relished the double meaning. “Well, we have characters from Sandy Randall, Mike Van Horn, um, Mimi Speike is thinking about attending, and Sue Ranscht has opted out. More could show up though.” He turned over his guest list and squinted. “Funny thing, I don’t see your writer on the list.”

    “I thought it best he didn’t hear about this.” Roy indicated Mario’s new car keys. “GD likes to out me.”

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Mike Van Horn Avatar

      Last one of these shindigs, didn’t Roy manage to pop himself in the eye with the cork when opening a bottle of champagne? Isn’t that why he wears the eye patch? I know he says it was a fencing injury, but . . .

      Liked by 4 people

      1. GD Deckard Avatar

        Roy looked askance at Mario. “That’s the rumor?”


        “Well, you can squash it. I did use to wear an eyepatch. For disguise. But I quit because I could never remember which eye it was supposed to go on, and that just made people suspicious.”

        Liked by 3 people

  13. Sandy Randall Avatar

    Wenny, fully clothed again, made her way up the wide steps of the building. The wooden doors, carved with all sorts of creatures Wenny didn’t recognize, were heavy, yet smoothly opened with a push of her hand. The foyer, was dimly lit, but through the archway on the other, she could clearly see the cavernous room beyond. Keeping to one side and hoping to not be overly conspicuous, she remained in the archway.
    Before her lofty ceilings of glass covered the lobby. Actual trees in pots stood about the room and did not even brush the ceiling. Directly across the room was a massive counter, made of a rich red wood. The floor was a highly polished stone of some sort. Slipping a foot out of her boot, she tested to see if the sheen was wet. It was cold and smooth.
    “May I help you miss?”
    Wenny jumped. Annoyed with herself for not noticing the man in a stiff outfit, much like the one Roy wore. She shook her head, realizing he was awaiting her answer.
    “Are you here for the Writer’s Character retreat?”
    “I, um, yes.”
    “Welcome to the Broadmoor, honored guest! If you will step up to the counter we will get you registered.” His bared teeth seemed inviting.
    She nodded and crept across the expansive room, feeling exposed. As she passed a sitting area with an opulent couch and two overstuffed chairs, she caught hold of cat scent. There, reclined in one of the chairs was a bored looking cat. He caught her eye and bared his teeth, much like the humans did. He wiggled a paw at her and said, “Don’t mind me, my writer told me to wait here. She’s not sure if I’ve behaved well enough to attend this retreat.”
    Wenny just stared at the cat. She had no idea what to say.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Sandy Randall Avatar

      Eeesh … writing this as I go … please forgive the typos!

      Liked by 3 people

  14. GD Deckard Avatar

    This story is not linear. Any scene you create for your character can be anything that you think could be happening.
    As Sandy said, it’s a “mashup.” 😝 A new genre that we are creating.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Sandy Randall Avatar

      It would be difficult to make this linear unless you go back after and put it all together and do a revision … that sounds like brain damage … But whatever is happening in the lobby, doesn’t affect what is happening pool side. I curious who the screamer is! lol

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Mike Van Horn Avatar

        Marigold, in a fit of pique, threw the shotgun down on the ground and screamed in frustration. “Ah can nevah hit those gawdamm skeets. You’re pulling them wrong, Reggie.”
        Reginald looked aghast at her mistreatment of the beautiful antique weapon. “One of these days I’ll use it on her,” he thought but did not say.

        Liked by 3 people

        1. GD Deckard Avatar

          WTF!?” Mario straightened at the sound.

          “Sounded like a gun shot,” Roy said. “You’re not letting that would-be cop, Shamus Nark, carry a gun, are you?”

          “No. It’s probably Marigold. Again. Don’t worry. Reginald assures me she can’t hit anything. More wine?”

          Liked by 3 people

      2. GD Deckard Avatar

        We can edit it, but not in the usual way. Maybe, pick out the best parts, the parts crucial to a story, and put them in a seemingly random order that can be perceived as more than the sum of its parts. Let the story become a gestalt experience for the reader.
        Probably have to submit it to an avant-garde magazine.😏
        Just thinking off the top of my head. You know, in that air gap between my brain and my skull.

        Liked by 2 people

        1. Mike Van Horn Avatar

          I once did a sci fi/fantasy story with my brother, using this approach. We both had lots of great ideas, but I ended up tying the pieces together in a readable way. Transitions, continuity, etc.
          We created characters I’ve since used in other stories.

          Liked by 3 people

          1. GD Deckard Avatar

            WRITER’S NOTE
            I’m beginning to like this approach. The characters all seem more “real” because each stands out from the other characters by other writers.

            Liked by 2 people

            1. Sandy Randall Avatar

              It’s like having a conversation with another person…. someone else is holding up their end of the conversation and it’s not all in your head. It’s a great experience for several reasons. The inspiration alone is worth gold. It also helps writing your character in a way that you get immediate feedback on whether they are the compelling character you hope they are, based on the other characters responses.

              Liked by 2 people

              1. Mike Van Horn Avatar

                Reluctantly, Pal-oran-de loped toward the large ugly domicile. Only because the intriguing being had gone there, and he wanted to dazzle her with his dance so that he could obtain a prize from her–perhaps snip a tip from her ear–and pin it to his robe.
                He stopped when he came into view and wrapped his robe around him to make himself virtually invisible. A stream of diverse beings was entering the structure. Some were human and others he’d never before seen.
                Why should he approach? He hadn’t been invited. Or had he? They wouldn’t want a hunter like him amidst the fancy folk here. But that could make them more fun to hunt. Yet he hated crowds. And these beings smelled atrocious; what could they possibly taste like?
                But if he didn’t go in, he’d never again see the enticing bi-species creature he sought.
                He stealthily traversed the entryway and approached the polished wooden log inside, only to find it blocked by a large human with a face concealed by a large swirl of hair, hiding a glower of insincerity. “Oh how I would like to remove that shock of face hair to add to my robe as a prize,” he thought.
                This huge human asked him for some piece of paper, which he didn’t have. Was he going to have to bull his way in? He removed his back sword slowly from its sheath to intimidate this being, and waved it in front of his face.
                The man looked at the sword hilt, then at Pal-oran-de’s face, and said, “Oh, it’s you. We’re expecting you. Come on in.”

                Liked by 3 people

                1. Mike Van Horn Avatar

                  [these things are getting out of order.]

                  Liked by 3 people

        2. Sandy Randall Avatar

          All I know, is I am having way too much fun. The cool thing is keeping my character in character. She comes from a world that is post apocalyptic, but nothing like an earth apocalyptic event. Her time is 1000 years after the event. The world is run by Humans and Sintafor (the shape shifters.) I could go on, but I’m willing to bet I have a 1/3 of the material Mimi does and if I work at it as long as Mimi I may catch up!

          Liked by 2 people

    2. Mike Van Horn Avatar

      “What happened to that delicious bi-species creature that was following me?” said Pal-oran-de dejectedly, looking back through the woods. “I have little interest going back to that oversized domicile crowded with ill-smelling beings. Is she playing hard-to-get? Or is she truly disinterested in me? Are my song and spray no longer working?”

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Sandy Randall Avatar

        Leaving the cat to it’s ruminations, she passed an official looking man talking to two women. One of the women appeared to be a compelling character, while the other seemed to be speaking for her. The compelling woman held an official looking square satchel. She winked at Wenny in a conspiratorial way.
        Humans were so strange. She turned away from the little group and kept her focus on the looming counter. Back in her hometown, of Haven Bay, her sister Dina ran an inn. Dina would love to have a counter like this one. Wenny wondered if she could talk her writer into giving Dina a fancy counter.
        There were two individuals behind the counter. One was a large fat man with the most fantastic mustache she had ever seen. He wore a black waistcoat with a gold chain hanging from one pocket. He bared his teeth at her. She bared hers back and hoped yet again she looked friendly.
        The man’s voice boomed, “Welcome to the Broadmoor miss. Are you here for the Writer’s Character Retreat?”
        “Yes, I am.”
        “Spectacular. Do you have the letter provided by your writer?”
        Wenny frowned. “I’m not sure what you mean. Hold on.” She rummaged through her pack and pulled out a rolled parchment with a wax seal. “do you mean this?”
        “Ah, yes! That is exactly what I mean.” He held out his hand. “Your name and your writer’s name please.”
        “I’m Wenny, and my writer is SL Randall.”
        He scanned a piece a paper on the counter. “Yes, there you are.” He then tapped his fingers on a strange device. “Do you prefer a keycard, retinal scan or skeleton key to access your room?”
        “I will take the key please.” Wenny had no idea what a key card or retinal scan was.
        “Terrific, You are in room 2323 on the second floor. Do you need a bellhop to assist you with your luggage?”
        “I just have my back pack.”
        “Very Well. Shall I call the valet to park your car?”
        “My what?”
        “Did you not drive here?”
        The man squinted at her. “No cars in your world?”
        She shook her head.
        “How did you get here?”
        “I ran.”
        “Oh.” He handed her the key, a small gift bag and a piece of paper. Pointing at the wall to the left he said, “The elevator bank is that way.” Assessing her blank look he said, “The stairs to the second floor are through the door at the end of the corridor. I can have the bellhop show you to your room if you like.”
        “Thank you, I’ll find it.” She was hoping to explore a little bit. She was curious if the orange beast would come back or not. She wanted to talk to it, but she didn’t want to stray too far from the retreat. Being in a whole different world was a bit unnerving.

        Liked by 1 person

  15. Sandy Randall Avatar

    Behind the hotel lobby was the Piano bar. Setting up for that evening’s festivities was MC Ollie, a bald bearded dwarf, with dark glasses, tattoos up and down his arms and large gages in his ears. His blues band MC Ollie and the Universal Operators was scheduled to play that evening. Ollie’s day job was as the Master Controller at the Universal Operation Center. His job was to coordinate and keep the Universe in tip top condition. In his downtime he and his band usually played gigs in smokey dive bars on Urbana. Specifically Lower Urbana, Upper Urbana was a bit too posh for his style, but some guy name Roy shook down his agent. Next thing Ollie knows he’s expected to perform in this ridiculously opulent hotel for a bunch of characters.
    Standing on the low stage, he hollered at the sound booth, “Pete, can you fix the sound or not? That bass is squawking like Marigold!”
    A stream of curses emanated from the sound booth. Sticking his greasy, long haired head out of the booth he complained, “Ollie I can work miracles, but this equipment hasn’t been updated, in ever! I think this hotel spends more money on floor polish for the lobby than it’s sound system!”
    “I got faith in ya Pete,” soothed Ollie, “Remember that rogue pulsar giving everyone headaches because it’s frequency was off? Who fixed that?”
    “Yeah, yeah,” agreed Pete as he ducked back into the booth.
    Ollie pushed his glasses up. There was a putrid scent coming from a corner of the bar. Normally he would call a janitor to sort it out, but there was something familiar about the scent. He hopped of the stage. There was a scrawny leg hanging out of the back corner booth. He shook his head. He knew that leg. Could he not do one gig with out this guy showing up? There are fans and then there are fanatics. This guy was one leg short of a stalker. he simply was too stoned to be smart enough to stalk anyone.
    Ollie kicked the leg with with his Doc Martin booted foot. “Seriously Bob. You shouldn’ta left Urbana. You don’t belong here.”
    Bob, a worn out, used up drugged out glabelhammie blinked up at Ollie, “Hey man, I promised you I wouldn’t miss any gigs.”
    “Man, I never asked you to make that promise.”
    Bob grinned revealing a mouth full of broken and rotted teeth, “Dude, you saved my life that one time. It’s the least I can do.”
    Ollie sighed. “Go in back, you can enjoy the show from the couch in the dressing room. These tables are for the guests of the hotel. Here, let me help you.” Ollie half carried and half drug, the six legged beast back to the cramped dressing room. He gave Bob a bottle of water and locked the door so he couldn’t leave. Bob had passed out before Ollie closed the door.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Sandy Randall Avatar

      Like I said .. too much fun! lol

      Liked by 1 person

  16. Mike Van Horn Avatar

    Reluctantly, Pal-oran-de loped toward the large ugly domicile. Only because the intriguing being had gone there, and he wanted to dazzle her with his dance so that he could obtain a prize from her–perhaps snip a tip from her ear–and pin it to his robe.
    He stopped when he came into view and wrapped his robe around him to make himself virtually invisible. A stream of diverse beings was entering the structure. Some were human and others he’d never before seen.
    Why should he approach? He hadn’t been invited. Or had he? They wouldn’t want a hunter like him amidst the fancy folk here. But that could make them more fun to hunt. Yet he hated crowds. And these beings smelled atrocious; what could they possibly taste like?
    But if he didn’t go in, he’d never again see the enticing bi-species creature he sought.
    He stealthily traversed the entryway and approached the polished wooden log inside, only to find it blocked by a large human with a face concealed by a large swirl of hair, hiding a glower of insincerity. “Oh how I would like to remove that shock of face hair to add to my robe as a prize,” he thought.
    This huge human asked him for some piece of paper, which he didn’t have. Was he going to have to bull his way in? He removed his back sword slowly from its sheath to intimidate this being, and waved it in front of his face.
    The man looked at the sword hilt, then at Pal-oran-de’s face, and said, “Oh, it’s you. We’re expecting you. Come on in.”

    Liked by 2 people

  17. GD Deckard Avatar

    “So,” Roy sipped his wine and said by way of conversation, “You ready for this evening?”

    Mario’s function at the resort overlapped his job description, thanks to his control of the liquor supply. “I have my spotters out. They’ll alert me if anything goes amiss. If it happens early on,” he added thoughtfully. “After a while, they’re too drunk to report anything. They just join in.”

    “I hear Pal-oran-de is invited.”

    “Yeah. Bi-species creatures had better watch out.”

    “What’s the entertainment like?”

    “MC Ollie’s blues band. They’re universally liked.”

    “Uh, I heard they attract glabelhammies. Those drugged-out freaks can be trouble.”

    “No problem. My spotters will give them enough drugs to drop them into a coma. They’ll just push the bodies under tables, so people don’t trip on them.”

    “Sounds like you have it all under control, Mario.”

    Mario swirled his glass to peer at the shifting colors. “Yup. What could possibly go wrong?”

    Liked by 2 people

  18. Sandy Randall Avatar

    As she followed the man’s direction toward the stairs, she passed by strange sliding doors that opened to small mirrored rooms. People seemed to wait for the door to open. She watched for a moment to see if she could discern what was happening.
    One of the doors opened and two women stepped out, chatting together. Neither appeared to notice those waiting to enter the rooms. She wondered what people did in such a tiny room. A man stepped into the room. She watched the door slide shut. Above the door little symbols lit up, stopped and then lit up again. The door opened and a man and woman stepped out. She looked around for the man that went in, but he had disappeared.
    She watched this for some time, but could not work out what was happening. With growing unease, she decided the little room was where you went to become something else. Wenny was happy with herself and decided not to risk entering the room. She moved down the corridor, to find the stairs.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Mike Van Horn Avatar

      [I inadvertently entered the same post twice yesterday–the earlier one that begins “Reluctantly, Pal-oran-de loped toward the large ugly domicile.” I see no way to edit or delete posts.]

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Sandy Randall Avatar

        I don’t think it matters… the MC Ollie post I had to write twice because I closed the page before I hit post comment 😂

        Liked by 2 people

      2. GD Deckard Avatar

        Mike, this is what I see to the right of your photo:

        Mike Van Horn
        February 8, 2023

        You see the “Edit?”

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Mike Van Horn Avatar

          I do NOT see the word Edit there or anywhere else.

          Liked by 2 people

        2. Sandy Randall Avatar

          GD I think you see that because you have the EDIT capability. It might not be turned on for Mike. You may need to change something in his profile to allow it.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. GD Deckard Avatar

            Thanks, Sandy! Got it.
            MIKE: You are now able to edit.

            Liked by 1 person

  19. Sandy Randall Avatar

    Wenny found her room by matching the symbols on the door with the symbols on the key, 2323. She opened the door to a room larger than the fireplace room of Dina’s inn. She could wait to tell Dina and her wife Toma about this inn. Of course they wouldn’t believe her. Then again, after the events at the council last year, anyone on Asataur would likely believe anything.
    She marveled at the high ceilings, the expansive fireplace and the elaborate sitting area. Off to one side was a long polished table with eight chairs that looked like thrones. Floor to ceiling windows flanked the fireplace. Upon further inspection she discovered one window was actually a door the lead out to a veranda. From there she could see the woods. She wondered, briefly, if the orange one was still there.
    Back inside the room, she saw two more doors, one to the right and one to the left. The one to the left opened onto a large bedchamber. It was so big she could fit an entire wolf pack on it! The final room was the most mysterious. It had a raised water bowl with knobs that made the water spin. It also had a shallow sink. Doing dishes in there would be obnoxious, she decided. What intrigued her was the glassed in room. Completely tiled it had knobs and lightless sconces. She yelped as she turned a knob and was doused in water. This delighted her. She turned all the knobs and was rewarded with water spraying everywhere. Shifting to wolf, she romped in the water room for at least twenty minutes. Shaking her fur dry, she decided to take a nap on the giant bed.

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    1. Mike Van Horn Avatar

      Pal-oran-de reached up and stroked the hair on the face of the large man–he couldn’t help himself. Oh how he wanted to slice a hank of that beautiful reddish hair that protruded from the man’s upper lip.
      The man was taken aback, to put it mildly, and Pal-oran-de instantly regretted his rash action. “Mmm, so sorry. Just admiring.”
      “Here now,” responded the man with a look of fear. “I’ll not react, since you’re holding a sword in your other hand.” He looked around wildly. “Here, boy, take our honored guest to his room.”
      It was a room without a view. Yes, it had a window, but outside was a thick tree that blocked any sight of what was going on nearby. Pal-oran-de stood at the window contemplating for a long moment. Then he climbed out the window into the branches of the tree. He easily climbed up into the tiny branches at the top. By swinging back and forth, he was able to gain access to the roof. He climbed the steep tiles to the ridge line, then stood and let out a deep growl of satisfaction. Now here was a view!
      Where to now? Perhaps he could climb down the other side and leap down so he could run up into the hills beyond. He slid down the tiles to the gutter. It was a bit of a jump down to the ground. Perhaps he should first climb down that drain pipe to the verandah just below.

      Liked by 3 people

  20. SMWebb Avatar

    “Are you here for the Writer’s Characters retreat?” the clerk asks us. Cassidy answers with an unenthusiastic, “Yeah.”
    “Sienna Anderson and Cassidy Williams,” I add.
    The clerk pulls up our information and asks if we need help with our bags. “No, thank you,” I say.
    Cassidy holds up a hand as he slides two keycards across the counter.
    “We don’t need those either,” she tells him. “One of the perks of dying.”
    The clerk pales and I offer him a reassuring smile. “She’s kidding.“
    Cassidy grins at the man. “No, I’m not.”
    The clerk frowns as he looks between us. “So… do you need the keys?”
    Cassidy quirks a golden brow at me, and my smile slips. We had ghosted though the resort’s doors just as we ghost through everything on Earth. We couldn’t pick up those keycards if we wanted to. But at least the clerk can see and hear us. That’s something.
    “If you could just tell us which rooms are ours?” I ask.
    “Uh, 666 and 668. They’re identical. Right next door.” He clears his throat. “The lounge serves drinks and appetizers if you… but you probably don’t…”
    Cassidy slowly shakes her head no and the clerk nods. “Right. But there will be a band, too. You can hear music?”
    Cassidy smirks back at him. “Well, we’re hearing you.”
    I loop my arm in hers, our spirit forms connecting as I gently pull her away. “That’s great. We’ll be there. Thank you.”
    As we round the corner, I say, “We’re at a retreat where other characters can see and hear us. You’re going to have to be nicer.”
    She tilts her head side to side, considering that.
    “Take a nap, have a dream,” I encourage. “Then we’ll head to the lounge.”
    We think our way to the 6th floor and I head straight for room 668. Neighbor to the beast.

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  21. Sandy Randall Avatar

    A tap on her forehead wakes her up. Wenny blinks at the shiny dragonfly sitting on her pillow. For a moment, she wonders how a Tef Nirildi followed her here, then she remembered. Effie felt she needed protection in such a foreign place, so she sent the Tef Nirildi with her.
    While the creature looked like a dragonfly, it was really an aspect of the Aeturnus being, Tardi. Wenny had a special bond with Tardi. The Aeturnus always kept an eye on her. Now the creature was motioning at the Veranda window. Wenny gasped as she saw the orange one moving around outside.
    She shifted to wolf as she padded softly to the other room. In wolf form, the scent of the orange one was stronger. She watched the creature explore her veranda, looking for a way in.

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  22. Mike Van Horn Avatar

    What was happening!?! The essence of the bi-species being was impossibly strong here on this verandah. How could that be? Pal-oran-de turned toward the building and jumped back with a double take as the being was standing just on the other side of the glass door, staring at him. Except for the glass, he could reach out and touch it. He dare not, but he wanted to. Oh, the temptation!
    It was in full beast mode, with bared teeth and raised hackles. He knew in an instant this was not a creature to be trifled with. Forget the idea of snipping off a piece of its ear for a trophy!
    The reek of danger! He was tempted to run and leap off the verandah to the ground below and sprint away. But he held back. There was also the essence of curiosity. He looked into its eyes.

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  23. Sandy Randall Avatar

    Bricker Cook, drummer for The Universal Operators blues band, sat at the small two top table and wrote down the set list as MC Ollie dictated.
    Ollie, reclined back against the bar while astride a bar stool. To most it might have been a comical scene to see Ollie perched on the stool, his short legs dangling like a school boy, but his demeanor cut any levity short. He was in a real pickle here. What had his agent and this character Roy gotten him in to? How was he to play a gig to such a diverse crowd?
    “I dunno boss. We only played ‘Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star’ once and a who religion was spawned. Are you sure you want that one on the list?”
    Ollie took a swig from the pint of dark beer in his hand. He belched. “I don’t think we have much of a choice. Most of our other stuff is pretty hard core Lower Urbana. Aside from Bob, I don’t think anyone here has ever been to Urbana. If they have, they certainly haven’t explored Lower.”
    Bricker ran a hand through the mop on his head. “Ok, but I’m only gonna keep time with the bass drum, nothing fancy. I don’t want to be blamed for another religion!”
    “Don’t worry about it. Worse case we fire our agent and blame it on that cat Roy. He seems slippery enough to dodge any blow back.”
    Pete sauntered in from the sound booth. “Hey boss, try the bass again. I got it fixed.”
    “I believe ya, we’ll wing it. Sound check is over for now. Guests will be showing up in about twenty minutes. If you guys want to eat before the show, let the bartender know, she’ll get ya some grub.”
    Pete looked around, “Where’s Glenn and Jeff?”
    “They’re out back catching a smoke. We got lucky picking these guys up. They have some talent.” said Bricker.
    Ollie nodded, “I hear Glenn got to play with Stone Temple Pilots at some festival a few years back. Got him noticed by some of the big bands, but he turned them all down to work in a guitar shop for an ex member of Queensrÿche! I was gonna ask them to play for us until I heard that.”
    A distant sound of shattering glass interrupted their conversation. They all got up to see what caused the commotion.

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  24. Sandy Randall Avatar

    Wenny bared her teeth. The orange one saw her. She growled low in her throat, a noise of caution. She heard the Tef Nirildi buzzing behind her. It’s thoughts poked at hers. “What?” she asked gruffly.
    ‘Follow’ came the reply in her head.
    Reluctantly she broke eye contact with the orange one and followed the Tef Nirildi back to the bed chamber. It buzzed over the piece of paper she had dropped before falling asleep. Shifting back to human, she picked it up. The marking made no sense to her, though the picture was certainly that of the orange one. “What does this say?”
    The Tef Nirildi buzzed in her head, “It is a caution, regarding the one on your veranda.”
    Wenny laughed sarcastically, “I knew that.”
    “There’s more,” the Tef Nirildi was unperturbed by her tone, “This creature is attracted to Sintafor. It does not understand it’s own appetite. It seeks to devour experience and wear it as a trophy. It does not appear to understand harm, or pain. It thrives on animalistic energy.”
    “I’m not an animal!” snarled Wenny, “I am as human as, as … as any human!”
    “Humans on Asataur bear the mark of Yara, the creator, this is what allows you to shift. Humans on earth were not gifted in this manner by Yara. What this creature does not realize is the need to return to Yara, as all things must when they are at their end.”
    Wenny rolled her eyes. “Spare me the history lesson.” She pulled on her cloak, grabbed the piece of paper and went back to the glass door. The orange one was testing the glass, looking for a way in. Wenny held the picture up to the glass, making the orange one jump back.
    “Is this you? Do you want a piece of me?” she challenged. “I’ll fight you if I must, but I would rather ….”
    Was all she managed to say when the orange one leapt at the door feet first. Wenny scrambled away from the door, shifting to her wolf. Glass exploded inward as the orange one made contact.

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  25. GD Deckard Avatar

    Roy refilled his glass carefully. One did not waste a drop of this incredibly expensive wine. “How do you keep up with all the shenanigans around here?”

    Lifting the top of his computer, Mario turned the laptop around to show Roy the screen. Rows of windows revealed cameras keeping watch around the resort.

    Roy touched one labeled “Front Desk.” The view expanded to fill the screen. “SM Webb’s here?”

    “Her ghost troublemakers, Sienna Anderson and Cassidy Williams, are.”

    “Aggressive ghosts?”

    “Aggressive ghosts with a sense of humor. The worst kind.”

    Roy expanded a view of the lobby and watched it for a moment. “I think your elevator doors are mesmerizing Wenny. Oh, wait. She’s OK now. She’s taking the stairs.”

    “Twenty-three floors? That’s where we put the bi-species.” Mario grinned. “Oh well, she can lope up.”

    “Pal-oran-de’s on the roof. Which is probably a good idea right now because, I see, Shamus Narc has an Uzi slung over his shoulder.”

    “Where’s the glabelhammie?

    “Um,” Roy tapped the Piano Bar window. “Bob is still under a table. What’s with them, anyway. Where do they come from?”

    “Nobody knows. But they’re not from here. Glabbelhammies can only manifest themselves in our universe while in a religious frenzy. Hence, the need for drugs & alcohol.” Mario chuckled. “You think Pal-oran-de is anxious to get to Wenny, you should have seen Bob -”

    “Hey, Mario! Trouble?”

    They both watched a view of the two beasts appraising one another through a sliding glass door. Apparently, Pal-oran-de missed that detail. He crashed through the glass door.

    Mario thumbed a key. “Security: see camera 2323. Alert Shamus, but don’t let that idiot take his machine gun.” He explained, “He can’t control the recoil.”

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Mike Van Horn Avatar

      Marigold grabbed the steering wheel of the golf cart and jerked it hard right, almost tossing Reginald out onto the grass. She pointed toward the mansion. “Look, Reggie! Up on that deck, there’s a friggin’ break-in goin’ on.” She grabbed the binoculars. “It’s a monster! A monster, I tell ya! What’s happenin’ around here?”
      Reginald grabbed the phone. “Security! Security! Break-in in progress. Yes, a higher floor. . . . . Got it. Thank you.” He turned toward Marigold. “Security’s already on it. Hope they don’t shoot too many guests.”

      * * *

      “What possessed me to break through that window?” muttered Pal-oran-de, looking at his torn cloak and he spreading blood stains from glass cuts. “It’s almost like something had me under its power.”
      He looked up at the large creature towering above him. As he slowly climbed to his feet, avoiding any rapid movements, he keened a song of calmness, hoping to stave off an attack. He felt a delicious mix of fear and excitement. These were the moments he lived for. If he didn’t get shredded . . .
      But this creature didn’t look poised to attack. It looked . . . uncertain. Like it was weighing options.
      What was it? “Oh hell, it’s a wolf. Hello! I bear you no ill will.”
      Suddenly, two ephemeral beings rose up through the floor. And then somebody burst in through the door, shouting incoherently. “What have I got myself into here?” He looked around for an escape route. “Wolf, let’s get out of here.”

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Mike Van Horn Avatar

        [Whoops. Once again out of order. This should follow the one just below.]

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        1. Sandy Randall Avatar

          It reads like a soap opera lol

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  26. Sandy Randall Avatar

    Wenny faced the orange one in full defensive mode. She was quite impressive. Her wolf was massive. Her ancestors on her mother’s side were royalty and bred for size and ferociousness. Her jet black coat revealed soft gray underfur when her hackles were raised. Her emerald eyes glittered in the dim light of the room. Her bared teeth and stiff tail were additional signs to this intruder to be wary.
    Her low growl punctuated her words, “What do you want with me? We can fight, but your puny frame will lose to my bite. I see your weapons, beast. Touch me with them and the wrath of my ancestors will crash upon you. As much as I love a good chase and a good fight, I am an emissary of my people. My mission is to be friendly.” she nearly choked on that last word. It was difficult to say in full throated growl.
    In her peripheral vision, a couple of ghostly figures rose up through the floor. She kept her attention focused on the orange threat, but wondered who the ghosts were.

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  27. mimispeike Avatar

    I have to read through this to see if Sly fits in at all, but I’m struggling with a few issues here at home. I’m not able to focus. I haven’t even made any progress on my next Showcase.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Sandy Randall Avatar

      My character found Sly sitting on an overstuffed chair in the lobby of the hotel. lol

      I hope your struggles get better!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. mimispeike Avatar

        We’re about to have another afternoon of my husband screaming at the bank on the phone. Problems logging in the the checking account. And to the stock account. Makes me want to throw up.

        Liked by 2 people

        1. Sandy Randall Avatar

          Unfortunately the little button only says like … Mimi, my heart goes out to you. We are creatives, Messy crap like that is a sucker punch. No wonder you feel ill. I hope it sorts out sooner rather than later. Sending you hugs.

          Liked by 2 people

  28. Sandy Randall Avatar

    The Tef Nirildi acted swiftly. Time slowed. The spirit beings we’re not affected by the time stop. As spirits they existed, like the Tef Nirildi, outside of time. In it’s buzzing tone it explained to the ghosts how to manipulate material objects. They both seemed surprised at the possibility, but eager to try. One of them not only disarmed the person who burst in through the door, but also dismantled the weapon into a ridiculous amount of bits. The other took the orange ones swords and other weaponry and chucked them off the veranda balcony, narrowly missing two hapless people in a golf cart.
    The Tef Nirildi spoke to Wenny, “Stand down Sintafor. This is an opportunity for communication and greetings. No being shall leave this room until words are spoken.”
    With that time returned to normal speed.
    Wenny immediately sat back on her haunches, and with near cat-like indifference, acted like nothing unusual happened. Though she did admire the orange ones ability to stand in tattered robes and project an air of composure. His scent, on the other hand spoke of an anxiety to escape.

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  29. GD Deckard Avatar

    Shamus Narc led the rescue assault into room 2323, his eyes blazing beneath authoritatively heavy brows. His hastily assembled team of roast chefs behind him brandished butcher knives. One glance at the two beasts at the balcony door though reversed Shamus’ direction and his hastily beat retreat planted bruises on his team members. Once safely around the corner, he paused to reflect. This scene was too …noir. That’s it. The purple prose lacked dignity. He inhaled deeply to calm himself and walked back to the room.

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    1. Mike Van Horn Avatar

      “I feel naked without my sword,” thought Pal-oran-de, slowly standing erect. “And powers here are clearly beyond my ken. I must be ready to make my exit. I may need care for my wounds.”
      He tried to put his message into song, but it came out raspy and breathy. “Fellow travelers, brought together by happenstance. We know not who each other are. I sense no anger or impending violence, only puzzlement. Which I share. I sought only to commune with this being standing in front of me, but perhaps the time is not propitious. I wish only . . .”
      Marigold burst into the room, panting heavily, holding Pal-oran-de’s sword. “Hey, y’all! Is a party happnin’ here? Did one of y’all drop this fine frog sticker off the balcony? Dang near stuck me and Reggie.”

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  30. Sandy Randall Avatar

    The Tef Nirildi shifted to a large bulbous creature that resembled a tardigrade. Only Wenny recognized the Aeternus, Tardi. The creature floated in the room, making everyone else feel cramped and uncomfortable. It’s face had two eyes and a maw that resembled a spiral iris. It exuded calm, which affected everyone, including the orange one.
    Wenny spoke, “This is Tardi, one of the Aeternus. I don’t have time to explain the purpose of the Aeternus, but Tardi is here to see that no one gets injured.” She glared at the woman clutching the “frog sticker”. Give that back to the Orange one.” She pointed at the figure standing amidst the broken glass.
    Swiftly Wenny shifted, recovered her cloak and drew it on. She hoped being back in human form would calm these people down. She noted the ghosts appeared amused.
    “Orange one, What do I call you? Perhaps we can go for a run in the woods after tonights entertainment. I have promised my writer I would learn and grow at this event, because my story expects me to become a leader.” Wenny pointed to Tardi, “As you can see, I have chaperone.”


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