Fancy, December 22, 2023

This Show Case features five pieces submitted in response to our fifty-eighth Writing Prompt: Fancy. You can see responses to each prompt in the drop down menu for the Show Case page. Try an item. They are all delicious. We hope they stimulate your mind, spirit, and urge to write. Maybe they will motivate you to submit a piece for our next prompt, which you can find on the Show Case home page.

Thanks for your dedication and interest in this feature. And please share this Show Case with your family, friends, and other writers.

by S.T. Ranscht

Photo credit: Marek Piwnicki,

“Lucy wrote herself lines–Damn it, Caruthers! Mama must be up by now! I want to hear all about Lord Farquhar’s dinner, whom she danced with, what was said. The nurse would reply, Not yet, dear. I’m told she didn’t come in until 5 am. They put on a slick little skit, in which I figured to no small degree.

“Lucy’s brother manufactured a petite stroller in which she pushed me, a baby bonnet on my noggin. We drew bewitched females in droves. I’d allow myself to be hoisted and snuggled, emitting a sound those gathered round swore was Mama! As my charming mistress handed me off to one cooing fool after another, she acquired many a well-provisioned purse from ones not on their guard, as they would normally have been. That adorable child, a threat? Impossible! A golden goose for the Bastards, I was pampered as I’d never been pampered in my life.” 

  1. Unable to execute the maneuver known as cock-a-shook, in which the thumb is poked up a nostril and the remaining digits waved contemptuously at an adversary, he’d inserted a claw in his petite nostril and twitched his remaining talons as best he could. Between the Bastards it had been a gesture of solidarity.

by SL Randall

Lebho Schuy and Minz Transporting Urbana by SL Randall

by S.T. Ranscht

Image credit: Siora Photography,

25 responses to “Fancy, December 22, 2023”

  1. Sue Ranscht Avatar

    I fancy a group of writers who love sharing their work. Thank you, authors, readers, and commenters.

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  2. Mellow Curmudgeon Avatar

    It looks like the word [Fancy] got left out of the title of the first haiga, which was puzzling until I remembered the prompt.

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  3. mimispeike Avatar

    Sandy: Interesting. Elaborate. I love elaborate. My first question is why? The Eternals started this up. Why? I guess they’re gods. The gods were bored? That’s my theory of our (Earth’s population) crop of God/gods. If God exists. Which I doubt.

    The Korezei* [the eternal Labor Force] – is that a slave population? Lotta work going into in this Universe/Universes. What’s the payoff?

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Mellow Curmudgeon Avatar

    @ Sue

    I’m stumped.  One horn of the dilemma is that I need the word [Fancy] (as an adjective and then as a verb) to make sense of the haiga titles.  The other horn is that accidental omission of the word from both titles in both places (image and text) where titles appear in the haiga is so unlikely.  Can’t see a motivation for deliberate omission.

    @ John

    Love the vivid phrases from a duck’s POV: pink demons, solid sable rivers.  [Amateur rock puzzled by gravity] is gr8 too.

    @ Sandy

    The deadpan humor reminds me of the Journal of Irreproducible Results and Annals of Improbable Research.  Love it.

    Druther not have both a given name and a family name for a stellar serpent.  Minz gets along with just one name.

    If hunting down rogue commas with Strunk & White in hand gets tedious, I can recommend Eats, Shoots & Leaves by Lynne Truss, whose approach to punctuation is careful and often funny, despite a poor choice of subtitle.  Truss really cares about readability.  She is also mellow about “matters of style and preference that are definitely not set in stone” (such as whether I should refer to her book as [Truss’ book] or [Truss’s book]).

    Liked by 2 people

    1. mimispeike Avatar

      I struggle with commas. I just finished Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell. Clarke goes without commas in many situations in which I wold have them. This may be because the work has a period feel to it, the phrasing, the spelling. Light use of commas may have been the style in the early nineteenth century. At any rate, I am going to rethink my use of commas.

      Liked by 4 people

    2. Sue Ranscht Avatar

      Thank you, Mel. I didn’t mean to create a dilemma for you. “I need the word [Fancy] (as an adjective and then as a verb) to make sense of the haiga titles.” And your mind provided the word where you needed it. That was my main motivation for leaving it out. Perhaps this goes against conventional practice, but I’m not married to the idea that a prompt must be quoted in a piece it inspires. For these, I wanted to use both the adjective and verb forms, but I wasn’t fond of their on-the-nose inclusion in the titles. I was, however, captivated by the idea that the reader could infer them. So maybe it’s just my circuitous thinking and eagerness to see how far I can wander from arbitrary “rules” — yet still accomplish my goal — that led me to merely imply them.

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      1. Mellow Curmudgeon Avatar

        Hope this does not sound too preachy, but I am big on minimizing the brainpower readers need to figure out what the author is saying, so as to maximize the brainpower available to figure out whether they buy it.  I would suck at writing whodunits or sacred texts.  😉

        Liked by 2 people

    3. Sandy Randall Avatar

      Mellow thanks for the unintended reading suggestion! I love deadpan too…
      As for Lehbo Schuy … pronounced Leebow Sky … a total play on words Lebowsky … the dude … without being too obvious lol. Minz was Mince as in hamburger the “English” version of the word. These two evolved from a couple of crazy dudes with an outlandish idea to build a planet, to a couple of stellar serpents with an actual job.

      To answer Mimi’s question of payoff. I get an entire encyclopedia of my “universe(s)”. “The History of Everything” by Yetarīki Mihuru actually started in a story I have been writing for my younger brother (who is nearly 40 but has Down Syndrome). He digs my weird characters and crazy shenanigans. But the story inspired me to keep a record of the creatures and characters that populate my universe… which expanded into the UOC … which led to the question of origin. Definitely complex, elaborate and prone to more questions than answers. Totally fun for me!
      The Korezei … I will explore that chapter for a future showcase, but I don’t see them as slaves, more as adventurous folk who found the opportunity to jump on this eternal planet and travel endlessly. Some are eternal, some are generational. Some stay, some eventually leave. All work in some fashion or another and provide each new universe with population and materials.
      My biggest conundrum is how did it all start and do I really need to answer that? I haven’t decided, but am leaning toward not definitively answering… I figure each person can come up with their own satisfactory thought, as you have … The gods were bored is an excellent reason. It just is works too. I think I’d go nuts trying to decide …

      I’m also glad I’m not the only one on the “comma” struggle bus.
      So far strunk and white is entertaining, and I think I have Eats, shoots and leaves somewhere around my house. I know I had it at one time.

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  5. mimispeike Avatar

    John – A charming little family. Excuse me for being dense. Who are the ‘pink demons’?

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    1. Mellow Curmudgeon Avatar

      I took them to be humans.

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      1. mimispeike Avatar

        ‘Pink’ demons places this in a yesteryear time frame, not in our multi-cultural society. (I’m picturing it as a charming children’s book.)

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  6. Sandy Randall Avatar

    I’m so glad we’re getting a bit of Sly’s origin story. The scene with the girl and her “nurse” was perfect. The art of “cut-pursery’” ( I think I made that up) is fascinating. To be so nimble and skilled, especially with jangling coins has always amazed me. How do you not know someone is that close to you?!

    Then you tickled my fancy … A character named Hotchkiss … I wonder if he was a distant relation to the founder of the town I grew up in … lol,_Colorado

    It’s a blink-and-you-miss-it town when driving through.

    I like how you explain why Dee can’t be seen with Sly as they travel. It’s easy to forget the superstitions of the day … although some of the whacko superstitions out now take the cake.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. mimispeike Avatar

      Cut-pursery. I love it.

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      1. Sandy Randall Avatar

        lol it’s a ‘fancy’ phrase in my head …

        Liked by 1 person

  7. Sandy Randall Avatar

    I love this line, “Tumbling, somersaulting, with the grace of an amateur rock puzzled by gravity…”
    At first I wasn’t sure what species your characters were, I thought wolves, then salmon before realizing ducks. If you change the word batch to brood it would be more “bird-like” terminology.
    I loved the story. Clarence is now my favorite. I hope he shows up in other stories.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Sandy Randall Avatar

    I am nowhere near the poetic authority of Mellow, and definitely had to look up some of his references to the structure of your Haigas. Perhaps knowing none of that and my love of little mysteries and word plays, I enjoyed inferring fancy into both of your pieces. Both pieces also speak to me as warm familiars. I agree.
    I have a lot to learn with poetic structure … but it is down the list. Commas first…

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Sue Ranscht Avatar

      Thank you, Sandy. I’m firm on abiding by rhythm and rhyme schemes dictated by many poetic structures, but I’m equally firm on autonomy, and perhaps ignorance, when it comes to vocabulary, lol.

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  9. Sue Ranscht Avatar

    Mimi – I love this transition between the first an second sections: “Well, now. How and when did Sly pull free of that cushy life, as he obviously did? That tale must wait. Here’s Hotchkiss, banging at the library door.” Your narrator is such an integral part of the storytelling.

    If the paragraphs prior to the first set of asterisks are the narrator’s version of what Sly would say, I’m a little confused by the insertion of, “As you did the other night.” I guessed this was supposed to be Dee’s comment, but would that belong in the narrator’s imitation of Sly?

    I wonder when and why the cock-a-shook seems to have changed thumb position to the tip of the nose. At least, that’s how I learned it as a kid and how it’s generally executed in TV or film, lol.

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  10. Sue Ranscht Avatar

    John – I really enjoy the creative descriptions you’ve used in this one. The “metal beasts swimming on solid sable rivers” is great. I laughed out loud at Gertrude thinking she’d be a “lucky duck”. But, like Sandy, my favorite is “Tumbling, somersaulting, with the grace of an amateur rock puzzled by gravity…

    The entire piece is from Gertrude’s POV, and I understand how her two years of life might have helped her understand how “Nature’s rage dragged their bridges and paths halfway to the sea.” But I’m wondering how she could be aware that the humans’ journeys were stalled and “longed-for” and they were waiting.

    You have created a visually rich piece. Well done.

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    1. John Correll Avatar

      Thanks Sue, I’ll add that Gertude was informed of human longings and abilities from an older and wiser duck. I might change pink demons to bald demons to help avoid any confusion.

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      1. Sandy Randall Avatar

        Or featherless or furless.
        I’ve often wondered if my dogs think there’s something wrong with me because I have to wear ‘fake fur’ (clothes) everyday and cover my paws with hard coverings to walk. And why do i wander on two legs? Am I a flightless, featherless bird? And then those noisy stinky metal contraptions that swallow us whole and takes us places faster than we can run and whisks tasty smells away far faster than they can be savored.
        My golden placidly looks out the window from the backseat… the husky shepherd talks the entire time… I’m pretty sure ‘Where are wet going…what are we doing …. Are we there yet … hey hey wait we left Sami behind!!! Go back go back go back!!!”
        And that’s the ten minute round trip ride to the ferry dock to drop my daughter off and return home!
        I’m not sure I could survive a longer trip.

        Liked by 3 people

      2. Sue Ranscht Avatar

        Lol, or maybe that darling sentence needs killing.

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      3. Mellow Curmudgeon Avatar

        I like Sandy’s suggestion of [featherless demons], which fits in with the old notion that being a featherless biped is an accidental aspect of being human (in contrast with the flaky “essential” aspect of being a rational animal).

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  11. Sue Ranscht Avatar

    Sandy – I’m fascinated that the beings who build universes seem to have the same mundane entertainments we do. Off-track betting? I wonder what they are betting on — races/contests/events similar to our own or things so far out of our experience we haven’t even imagined them.

    The DNA found in all species, originates from the Korezei but has long since been replicated rather than extracted from the existing population.” Does this mean they began as clones whose DNA has since evolved and changed?

    The harbinger appearances of Lebho Schuy and Minz (as described in Show Case: Green) make it sound like Urbana stays in a single universe from inception to demise. That would indicate multiverses exist, but never simultaneously with one another. Yet they have to physically move through a wormhole from one universe to another. I’m a little puzzled. Could they ever leave an existing universe to create another? Could they create a new universe where one has just ended?

    I’m also wondering if Urbana’s stratified society foreshadows some kind of revolution.

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    1. Sandy Randall Avatar

      I definitely have more to flesh out for Urbana… but there is a foreshadowing… I’m just not sure how or what that is yet.
      One note.
      The Korezei are like the construction team that shows up and starts putting the Universal IKEA bits together. (Simplified explanation).
      I’m close to deciding how or who creates each universe …

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