Refuse, June 7, 2024

This Show Case features four pieces submitted in response to our seventieth Writing Prompt: Refuse. You can see responses to each prompt in the drop down menu for the Show Case page. Try an item. They are all delicious. We hope they stimulate your mind, spirit, and urge to write. Maybe they will motivate you to submit a piece for our next prompt, which you can find on the Show Case home page.

Thanks for your dedication and interest in this feature. And please share this Show Case with your family, friends, and other writers.

Jeddy, April 2024, Photo credit: SL Randall

“Well, Tum Thee1 of Glynneath Wales, I know for a fact ye be Tom Dee, thieving nephew to Doctor John Dee. State yer business, as if I didn’t know. Ye’d have me to turn your stollens into quick cash, as I did with that brooch I took off ye a bit back. Gifted ye by yer step-ma! What’s th’ story this time?”

“My story, Mister Mayhew,” spits Twm, “my story this time–the items are owed me! I was enticed to London with vile lies. He ain’t my uncle, by the way. He’s cousin to m’ tad.2 Distant cousin. Why’d he take me in? Free labor. Me under his roof, he dismissed two servants.

“It’s three years I’m plotting my get-away. Not penniless, not after what I’ve endured. Some days past appeared at Windy Hill a filthy little beggar bearing a note, in a cipher! Odd, but Doctor Dee assists Sir Walsingham in his service to the crown. All sorts turn up. Well, Unk was off to one of his ‘evenings’, no one and nothing detaining him. The boy was put up for the night. Ha! Here’s me chance, says I. I fill a pillowcase with items I’ve long had my eye on, stash it on the property. Jack Daw, sent on his way at peep of dawn before my uncle got himself out of bed, he’s the culprit, most certainly. I’d intended to bide at Windy Hill another many months, to divert any thought of suspicion from myself but, presented with the perfect opportunity, my mind changed in an instant.”

“You know opportunity when it presents, do ye?” croons Scooch. “I should hope so. Dee’s papa were a wealthy man. Yer snatch has to include pieces that would go quick, normally. New-prosperous climbers are eager to get their paws on stuff that screams ‘old money’ without ’em claiming it outright. One grandpapa may have been a chandler, but another was the secret spawn of nobility. Them idiots are m’ best customers.

“Thing is, a list of missings is already circulating. I shop yer junk around right now at more ‘n usual risk. Special-unique items got t’ be sat on for some considerable stretch of time. I’m a businessman, m’ friend, not a fancier of oddities, glad to set them on me night table and admire ’em. I do not lay out money as don’t recoup in a reasonable period. I do, however, see another way. I give ye a try-out, small chores, a modest but guaranteed allowance, my usual deal. If it works out atween us, yer polish, that pretty face, them nice manners–ye charmed well enough in th’ big room ’til ye turned pain-in-th’-ass rowdy–ye might could be of excellent value to me, and tip-top rewarded.

“How do this strike ye? I foot yer living expenses, housing, tailor, th’ works. Ye have a purse that allows ye to decorate the smartest dining-rooms, where ye dazzle elegant young ladies and, more partic’larly, their well-connected mamas. I expect ye’ll be useful in many ways. We start yer audition, let’s call it, with an immediate ask. I require an apparel suitable to a nob, age ten or so. Deliver me also one as fits into it.” Scooch grins. “M’ wife, sir, is put in charge of a certain musical-inclined critter, ye know who I mean, do ye not? Doctor Dee’s request of her, to dress th’ thing for the Queen’s masquerade ball. An Irish brat–he must be Irish–figures in it somehow. That’s all what I know of it. But for this: Lucy expects to make her name off it.

“I got plans for the prodigy m’self, big plans. Lou adores the beastie. He adores her, is on top of her the instant she sets down. Me he ignores, won’t have me near him. How to seduce him away from her? I got a dandy of an idea, that’s gonna set me up for life. Me. Not us. Me. Lou don’t know it yet, but I mean to cut ’er loose, the blasted nagging know-it-all. Oh, I were under her spell bad once. Ya! Since we was tykes t’gether. No longer.”

Twm leans across the table, doing his darndest to conceal his full-blown glee. “So happens,” he whispers, “I am good friends with him that trained the marvel. Jack Daw, of Jack Daw’s Animal Comedians, would be glad to tell that tale if you’d care to hear it. He’s talked my ear off with it. You may thank your stars that, to the extent that a cat may feel beholden to anyone, it’s Daw who has the sweetheart’s true allegiance. I’ve a more-than-decent touch of my uncle’s talent in the way of prediction, it runs in the family. My gut tells me you’re onto something big. Take me as a partner in your venture and use the animal as you will. Jackie will see to it he falls in line.”

* * *

  1. Twm Dhu is correctly pronounced Tum Thee.
  2. Tad: ‘father’ in Welsh.
Photo credit: K. Mitch Hodge,

19 responses to “Refuse, June 7, 2024”

  1. Sue Ranscht Avatar

    None can refuse to acknowledge your creative talents. Thank you for sharing them with us here!

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Sue Ranscht Avatar

    Mellow – A welcome reminder that our roots continue to nourish us even when we feel cut down and defeated. Thank you.

    Liked by 4 people

  3. Sue Ranscht Avatar

    Sandy – We’ve always been told owls are wise. Looks like you’ve uncovered the truth at last: They are radicalizing recruiters. Whooo would have guessed?

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Sandy Randall Avatar

      😁😎 Owls are the Godfathers of the forest …

      Liked by 3 people

  4. Sue Ranscht Avatar

    Mimi – For me, this scene highlights the gritty texture of Sly’s quid pro quo world more clearly than I’ve seen it up till now. Well done.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. mimispeike Avatar

      I’ve spent half the night reworking it. Take another look.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Sue Ranscht Avatar

        Your revision smooths out the actual storytelling so it matches the rest of the tale more closely. I think your changes elevate Mayhew to at least Lucy’s level of intelligence and competence, and Twm seems now to be an equal to Mayhew rather than an inferior who will probably be taken advantage of. For me, those two things sand out the grit and leave a more homogenous world. You’ve also had Mayhew spell out his detailed plan to betray Lucy so there’s none of the foreshadowing his mere expressions of irritation with her allowed. I hope things may still go bad and plans may fail, but my urgency to find out is lessened.

        Liked by 2 people

  5. mimispeike Avatar

    Sandy: we are come to the season in which I have to monitor all entrances to the house for something dangling from the mouth. (Not my husband’s, of course.)

    We keep the window above our bed open without a screen all summer. Our cats climb a ladder strategically placed, cross the roof of the office room, and jump to the window sill, coming and going freely at any hour. We have had the occasional raccoon gain entry by that route also. That’s always fun.

    They know where the food dishes sit, and where the bag of dried food is stored, from previous invasions.

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Sandy Randall Avatar

      Ha! Sly’s progeny bringing home the hunt!

      It’s a daily adventure in my small little woods (2.5 acres). We’ve learned to not cross under the fence … finally … Mom’s stern “No!” works magic, most of the time.

      This morning there was something (Gonna guess a bird) in a bunch of brambles. Jed was hopping around the bush like he had springs on his feet. I had to use a stern “Leave it” to get him to continue our walk. I expect to see him climbing trees next week. This morning a lightbulb went off and he realized birds hang out in trees.

      My curmudgeon of a golden on the other hand watches him like he’s a novice. I swear he shakes his head in disgust! They are two years apart in age. My golden (Santiago) has forgotten his own puppy antics. Unless there are raccoons. He really doesn’t like it when those buggers stare down at him from their cozy little tree nest.

      This particular show case piece has prompted me to start a sort of story …. I titled it “Life with Dogs: A Dogoir”

      So far I’ve added chapter headings where I can add stories … little vignettes I guess … of what these three get up to. (Yes there is a third dog … she’s the badass old lady at 12 years)

      This was this morning’s brain storm

      Life with Dogs: A Dogoir

      Chapters … in no particular order



      Small Critter Terrorism

      To Eaties or Not

      Youcomeyougive and other easy to follow commands

      Wanna Go?


      Get off me and Get off my Bed! The small dog Perspective

      I have a feeling I will get input from my brother.

      Liked by 5 people

  6. Barb Woolard Avatar

    Saw this on Facebook: “Living with a dog is 90% following each other around, watching each other go potty, and wondering what the other has in their mouth.”

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Sandy Randall Avatar

      Sums up my day rather neatly! LOL!

      Liked by 3 people

  7. Sandy Randall Avatar

    Mellow, I think you described the trees in my woods … They amaze me …. though I think the cedars are cannibals. They wrap around other trees and slowly devour them. Vegetation moves at an invisible, yet highly aggressive pace. I am amazed that we can actually kill plants, and then again, do we really?

    Liked by 4 people

  8. Sandy Randall Avatar


    The darkness of addiction, the hopelessness of losing your home, your family and the life you once lived is all wrapped up in the image and words of your poem. I see a lot of these folks as I hang out in my car in the wee hours of the day waiting for the other two workers to show up so we can go to work. As much as you want to help them, there must be boundaries.

    Liked by 4 people

  9. Sue Ranscht Avatar

    Thanks, Sandy. I think the losses you’ve mentioned that lead to — or come from — hopelessness are the most difficult for their victims to refuse to swallow. Those seem to be the hardest to come back from, too, with or without outside help. Losses like a broken relationship or the death of a loved one are often healed by the passage of time or the choice to move on — the refusal to give up or give in.

    Liked by 3 people

  10. Mellow Curmudgeon Avatar

    @ Sue — Nice interaction between the two main meanings of the prompt word.

    Liked by 3 people

  11. Sue Ranscht Avatar

    Thanks, Mel. I do like those versatile noun/verb words!

    Liked by 2 people

  12. Mellow Curmudgeon Avatar

    @ Sandy — The barred owl’s call is the only owl call I can recognize, and I can’t quite hear the high-pitched phrase at the end.  It’s audible to dogs.

    Who – who – who – who — — who – who – who -whooo’s a good boy?

    Liked by 4 people

  13. Sandy Randall Avatar


    We have a couple of barred owls in our neighborhood … When I get up to go to work (0230-0300am) They will sometimes be having a conversation. The owls and the vast night sky are the saving graces to getting up and being cognizant at that hour.

    Liked by 2 people

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