This is the first Guest Post resulting from our new outreach project, Be Our Guest. Every month, we’ll provide a new short list of possible topics to jump start your creative juices, just in case you need a little boost. Choose a topic from the list or make up your own and submit your post as a .docx to There’s no deadline, but we will publish them in the order we receive them. Thanks for choosing Writers Co-op.

16 responses to “Be Our Guest: Mike Van Horn”

  1. Sue Ranscht Avatar

    I like the story’s mythic feeling. Its rhythm and flow reinforce the continuity of cultural oral history. Zarbva the storyteller projects a strong centering presence, yet emanates the universal awareness beyond that of mere humans. The idea that disruption leads to advancement suggests civilization shouldn’t fear disruptive change. Thanks for this, Mike!

    Liked by 7 people

  2. mimispeike Avatar

    Graceful, and quite poetic. Very nice.

    Liked by 8 people

  3. Mike Van Horn Avatar

    Seems like the guy poking the fire with a stick and asking rude questions is the discordant note.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Sue Ranscht Avatar

      Seems like. Maybe they think they should fear him, but I don’t think so. People who question are seekers who often move us forward.

      Liked by 6 people

  4. Chip Pentium, A.H. Avatar
    Chip Pentium, A.H.

    Well done, Mike.
    Creation Story makes a good case that life is a fundamental part of the universe, just as is matter and energy. I like the (new to me) idea that life exists because of chaos.

    And “the hymm” brought to mind Vonnegut’s “God made mud.”

    Love it!

    Liked by 5 people

  5. GD Deckard Avatar

    Brilliant, Mike! “A quantum intention.” There are so many ways to unpack that idea, I don’t know where to start. My first thought is Schrödinger’s cat: Is that collapse of a wave function predestined? Yeh, the cat is both, dead and alive, until observed, but it isn’t the observer who determines which.

    If we’re ever in the same town, I’m buying lunch!

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Chip Pentium, A.H. Avatar
      Chip Pentium, A.H.

      Wait a minute. Are you guys defining God as “A quantum intention?”

      Liked by 3 people

      1. John Correll Avatar

        I think it’s meant to be the other way around, Chip. But when it comes to deities, circular definitions come in handy.

        Liked by 4 people

      2. Sue Ranscht Avatar

        Perhaps “quantum intention” is a misnomer that would be analogous to “DNA intention”. Genetic material combines randomly, yet within the “rules/plan” of DNA, to create a seemingly infinite number of unique beings in each unique form of life. Does that make DNA a god, or merely a useful tool of Chaos? Is Chaos a god, or merely the disruption of Order? So who intended/planned the rules of nature encompassing all of existence? Might that merely be Order, which would have all of existence (including quantum) in a static state without Chaos?

        Maybe there is no single intentional mind behind either force. Maybe their interaction is the random “intention” responsible for the existence of everything.

        Liked by 4 people

        1. Chip Pentium, A.H. Avatar
          Chip Pentium, A.H.

          Sue, John, I agree. But to take it further, Schrödinger’s cat suggests that at the quantum level, reality exists in all of its possibilities – that is, every possibility is real. At the moment the cat is observed, the wave function collapses and the observer is left with one reality. The cat is either alive or dead. But the observer did not determine which.

          Leave it to a science fiction author to think of “A quantum intention.” It’s a wonder-full thought.

          Liked by 4 people

  6. GD Deckard Avatar

    Oh well. Despite all the predictions, the future remains unobserved and unmeasured. We face tomorrow with the same confidence that Schrödinger had before he opened the cat box.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Sue Ranscht Avatar

      The only confidence I ever had about cat boxes was that eventually, they’d stink.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Chip Pentium, A.H. Avatar
        Chip Pentium, A.H.


        Liked by 2 people

    1. Sue Ranscht Avatar

      Thanks for sharing that, Carl. I’ve never heard of Magellan TV before, but it appears to be a treasure trove of clarified scientific information I would love to fully comprehend. That’s not to say I won’t have to watch this multiple times before I have a hope of owning what it’s saying. It would be so much easier if I could believe in magic, lol.

      Liked by 2 people

    2. Chip Pentium, A.H. Avatar
      Chip Pentium, A.H.

      Thank you, Carl! I love how absurdities can help us understand something that ain’t.

      Liked by 3 people

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