10 responses to “You: In the Spotlight”

  1. mimispeike Avatar

    This is going to take some thinking about. I’ll get on it.

    What I am currently reading is easy. I’m reading The Book Thief, that GD put me onto. (Thank you, GD) A great story but also a lesson in style. And, with the additional material at the end, having to do with the author’s process, I see what an outline can be and what it can do for you. An outline is not necessarily a timeline, it is a notation of possibilities.

    I do that already, but it never would have occurred to me to call it an outline.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Sue Ranscht Avatar

      Sounds like The Book Thief’s additional material might qualify it as one of the books that changed your mind, lol.

      I make notes, too, but don’t think of them as an outline — more as a guide. Except in reference to artwork and other visual descriptions, I’ve always thought of outlines as detailed structures.

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  2. Sandy Randall Avatar

    I love this idea. Appreciate the “no deadline” I look forward to this!

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    1. Sue Ranscht Avatar

      And I look forward to your responses!

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  3. Carl E. Reed Avatar

    I’m looking forward to reading the responses to gain insight into the authorial influences (for better or for worse, re: “The Book I Could Never Read Again)” that have affected the writers who gather here. Echoing Sandy, I very much appreciate the “no deadline” rule attached to this writing prompt.

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    1. Sue Ranscht Avatar

      You’re planning to submit your own responses, aren’t you Carl? I would love to see those.

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      1. Carl E. Reed Avatar

        I will, but I think most will find them somewhat disappointing. (Mine will not be the responses of a Harvard or Yale professor of literature, but rather of a working-class Chicago Irishman who’s read more trash than great books over the course of a misspent lifetime, I’m afraid.) Very much interested in reading the responses of others!

        Liked by 3 people

  4. mimispeike Avatar

    FYI: I have finally found the Photoshop file of our logo. I had it in a folder it had no business being in.

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  5. curtisbausse Avatar

    Great suggestion from Carl! It’s a column I read quite often, and was getting round to submitting a post with my own list in any case, but it’s much better, and more interesting, to throw it open to all.

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    1. Sue Ranscht Avatar

      Our first In the Spotlight will post at about midnight your time Monday morning.

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