– by Mimi Speike

I’ve been busy this week. I’ve written two pieces on Medium.com. I’ve just about decided to create a personal publication there that will display my non-Sly work and also present opinion pieces, most (but not all) writing-related. I wrote a guest-piece for The Story Reading Ape. It’s up as of Sunday. I’m doing a final read-though on my entry for Booksie’s First Chapter contest (deadline June 15). You’ll find the notice on Facebook.

I’ve gone through my files, found very old art, scanned it, and am going to take it into Illustrator to add to/manipulate. I see one image as the anchor for a cover illustration.

I’ll do one more edit on Sly, then I will let go of book one. I have finished reading Dear Dark Head, a history of Ireland, Palmerston, a bio of Lord Palmerston, Prime Minister of England in the mid-nineteenth century, and I’m well along on The French, Portrait of A People  (the nit-pick information in here, fabulous, and, a riot.) I am so enjoying this. The relationship of the French to food, I can certainly use some of that. My Archbishop has a French chef who he adores.

I’m doing my usual highlighting of great usage, starring the really super bits. A few items will be hilarious inserted into my baptism scene. (Already a screwball delight, if I do say so myself.) My cat is loving it. He never knew a baptism would be so much fun. (Nor did I.) I have haunted certain sites, like Catholic Answers, for a few years now. So much so that I’ve gotten pop-up messages: We notice that you visit us often. Would you care to donate? I’ll blow their minds, credit them in my footnotes.

This week: back to the art. The art is what’s holding me up.The apps have changed so much since my stone-age versions, the simplest tasks, I can’t get them done, not easily. I have to get my ass down to Barnes and Nobel and buy the books.

My firm belief is, we can’t wait for the world to come to us. We have to push, and push, and push for attention. But I’m not shoving my book in people’s faces, I’m writing humorous pieces with bouncy headlines that I hope many will want to investigate.

Where will it get me? I’ll keep you posted.


Well, my post was displayed on the front page of Story Reading Ape for all of nine hours. There are so many members there, apparently writing their hearts out, that I am already pushed off the front page (into previous posts) by nine other pieces posted today. Lots of participation there, you can get lost in the shuffle.


12 responses to “Stayin’ Busy”

  1. Perry Palin Avatar
    Perry Palin

    Keep busy Mimi, keep pushing. Keep us posted. You’re inspirational.

    Out here on Sorefoot Farm I’m busy with mowing the pastures, weeding the gardens, looking into the bee colonies, watching the deer cross the yard and trout fishing so I don’t spend much time at my writing. But I am living in a new story, and while I am running the diesel tractor across the pasture with the rotary mower engaged, I am reciting paragraphs to myself, looking for a better word here, and the right word there. It’s great.

    Later this week I will attend a reading in town. Two local writers will read from their latest works. One is a short story writer and one a poet. They’ll sell about seventy tickets to the event, with the ticket proceeds and the café wine and cookie sales going to the non-profit theatre that hosts them, and they’ll have their agents (well, their wives, really) selling copies of their books in the lobby. That’s not too bad for small town Midwestern America.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. mimispeike Avatar

      Perry, that’s exactly what I do, no matter where I am or what I’m doing: “I am reciting paragraphs to myself, looking for a better word here, and the right word there.”

      Liked by 1 person

    2. GD Deckard Avatar
      GD Deckard

      🙂 You are “living in a story” Perry.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. jwebster2 Avatar

    The Story Reading Ape’s page is well worth a visit 🙂
    Chris is a great supporter of indie writers.
    Glad you’re keeping busy Mimi and you’re right, we cannot wait for the world to come to us

    Liked by 2 people

    1. mimispeike Avatar

      It’s full of interesting articles, and it sure seems to be a hopping site. My question is, with all the content, and more daily, how do you get noticed? The articles, not the intros, but the meaty articles, those people sound like they know what they’re talking about. Frankly, I’m intimidated.

      The answer is obvious, of course. Like you, on Facebook. Keep at it. And at it. And at it. You are the only one of those repeating repeaters whose posts I am glad to see. Why? Because you’re so damn interesting.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. jwebster2 Avatar

        I’ve tried to use my facebook page like a magazine 🙂
        Every morning I try and post some fun cartoons./memes or whatever so every morning people can go there to be cheered up. If they see stuff I’m also doing then it’s great 🙂
        With pages like Chris’s I think you’ve just got to be interesting so people will look for you
        Which is tricky, but at least they’re looking for you in a smaller area on Chris’s page than if they’ve got to search for you on the web 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

        1. mimispeike Avatar

          Interesting is the key, all right. I wonder if the people on Ape ignore those author-introduction pieces. I looked at a few to get a feel for what was expected. I was not impressed.

          Liked by 2 people

          1. jwebster2 Avatar

            I don’t know how many hits the individual author introductions get, but I suspect most people wont’ see them

            Liked by 2 people

  3. mimispeike Avatar

    I spent two days on that author-intro. It’s another light-hearted bit on my screwball life-experience. Chris called it a fun piece. (For long-timers here, it’s a rehash of stuff I’ve said on here.) The last thing it is is boring. I wanted to avoid same-ol, and I did.

    I’ll post it around, see if I get reads/reactions elsewhere. And I will put back two sentences that he deleted as being politically incorrect. I disagree, but it’s his site. He took out the light-hearted swearing also. Christ! Who’s that site aimed at, Christian-fundamentalist YA?

    Liked by 1 person

  4. mimispeike Avatar

    Uh-oh. I’m reading the guidelines on Story-Reading-Ape, for submissions:

    “This is a Family Friendly Blog, so if your book subjects are not suitable for Families, you and they may not be promoted.”

    I have a feeling Chris will not allow me to promote my book there. My Virgin Mary Faux-Visitation, first off, and my church official shown up to investigate, recognized by a retired whore as a former client in Paris, where his favorite game was to have her dress up as The Holy Mother for their encounter. (He’s a Dominican. They were–don’t know about are, today–a bunch of zanies, I’ve researched it.) This material is done tastefully, I swear.

    Chris may not go for my outspoken-atheist cat either. I begin to think I’m not a good fit for that site.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. curtisbausse Avatar

      Ha, ha – I’d read your Virgin Mary riffs, Mimi. Go for it and see what he says!


  5. mimispeike Avatar

    On getting the word out. A new thought: my first chapter presented in a small booklet, double sided, the product 5.5 inches wide, 4 inches deep, stapled together at the spine. I can print and assemble them myself, to hand out/leave around in public spaces.

    Easy to mail also, to publishers/agents. (Yeah, right.) I can leave them in mail boxes, take a country ride up through Roxbury, Kent, those areas, where you see many rural-style banks of mail boxes by the side of the road. Many writers, artists, that type, hole up around here in weekend homes.

    Make a deal with a vendor at an art fair to host a box of the things, I’m thinking those Point-of-Purchase displays with a pocket of brochures. Endless possibilities. A prototype will shortly be in the works. The centerfold, with a pop-up! No harm thinking big.

    I have a small collection of vintage pop-up books, including the thirties-editions of Disney’s very desirable Mickey and Minnie. Cost me big forty years ago. I have very fine reproductions of pieces by that really famous, really revered guy from the late nineteenth century, bought at the Children’s Museum in Boston, again, forty years ago. I take all this for my inspiration.

    Whoa! Just looked that guy up. Lothar Meggendorfer. That Circus-scene repro that I have is offered for sale on Etsy for $117, used. Mine is pristine. But I’m not selling it. No, no, no. No way. No way in hell.

    I can swear here, I hope. On Story-Reading-Ape I have to behave myself. A site of (supposedly) sophisticated writers, with rules of conduct. (OK, erotica, I get that.) I don’t know about you, but my mind is officially boggled.

    Liked by 1 person

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